Acute Pancreatitis

PURPOSE: Mainly intended for a college level audience, this poster introduces acute pancreatitis and the mechanism behind how digestive enzymes become prematurely activated and cause inflammation and destruction in the pancreas. The visuals present an overall representation of pancreatic anatomy and its relationship with the duodenum, a closer view of acinar cells of the pancreas that house the enzyme precursors, and a two-dimensional flow chart of how trypsinogen gets activated and becomes trypsin. The visuals demonstrate the appearance of an inflamed pancreas as well as the mechanism behind inflammation, introducing both a macro and micro look into the cause of acute pancreatitis. Overall, a combination of 3D models, graphic assets and text describe the way in which the co-localization of lysosomal Cathepsin B and trypsinogen may contribute to early enzyme activation in the pancreas and strives to demonstrate the role acute pancreatitis plays in affecting the pancreas on all levels.

SOFTWARE: Pixologic ZBrush, Keyshot, Adobe Photoshop

DATE: 2019

Process Work

Soft Due Date

Initial Sketch